Religious Education
At St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School, our Catholic faith and values are at the centre of all that we do. We aim for our Religious Education curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage all our pupils. We also aim to instil in all children a knowledge and understanding to deepen their own Catholic faith and their religious, theological, moral and social understanding. Where possible pupils will relate their beliefs and knowledge to daily life through other subjects in the curriculum. Through our study of other religious communities, we will also raise awareness of other faiths, beliefs, traditions and values, in order to promote respect and understanding and to prepare the pupils for adult life in our multi-cultural society.
Key Curriculum Policies
Religious Education Curriculum
At St. Mary's we use and adapt the Diocesan approved Come and See scheme to deliver our Religious Education curriculum. Come and See is a Catholic Primary Religious Education programme for Foundation and Key stages 1 and 2. The programme of study, written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors was introduced across the Federation in September 2012 and has been warmly received by staff and pupils. The child friendly material provided within Come and See allows children to explore the teachings of the Catholic church through the use of age appropriate resources and activities.
Each year group from Foundation 1 to year 6 have their own list of focus topics to consider throughout the academic year. The topic will coincide with the church calendar however, the depth in which the topic is explored is dependent upon the respective age of the child. For example, during Lent, whilst all children will learn about the plight of Christ, our Early Years children will consider the importance of growing and new life; Key Stage 1 children explore the effect of change and opportunities, with Key Stage 2 children considering the importance of self-discipline, sacrifice, death and new life.
At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Come and See gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition.
Whole school overview of the Come and See scheme click here.
Big Questions linked to the scheme
Autumn Term Knowledge Organisers
Unit 1: Domestic Church |
Unit 2: Baptism and Confirmation |
Unit 3: Advent and Christmas |
Reception | Myself | Welcome | Birthday |
Year 1 | Families | Belonging | Waiting |
Year 2 | Beginnings | Signs and Symbols | Preparations |
Year 3 | Homes | Promises | Visitors |
Year 4 | People | Called | Gift |
Year 5 | Ourselves | Life Choices | Hope |
Year 6 | Loving | Vocation and Commitment | Expectations |
Spring Term Knowledge Organisers
Unit 4: Local Church |
Unit 5: Eucharist |
Unit 6: Lent and Easter |
Reception | Celebrating | Gathering | Growing |
Year 1 | Special People | Meals | Change |
Year 2 | Books | Thanksgiving | Opportunities |
Year 3 | Journeys | Listening and Sharing | Giving All |
Year 4 | Community | Giving and Receiving | Self Discipline |
Year 5 | Mission | Memorial Sacrifice | Sacrifice |
Year 6 | Sources | Unity | Death and New Life |
Summer Term Knowledge Organisers
Unit 7: Pentecost |
Unit 8: Reconciliation |
Unit 9: Universal Church |
Reception | Good News | Friends | Our World |
Year 1 | Holidays and Holydays | Being Sorry | Neighbours |
Year 2 | Spread the Word | Rules | Treasures |
Year 3 | Energy | Choices | Special Places |
Year 4 | New Life | Building Bridges | God's People |
Year 5 | Transformation | Freedom and Responsibility | Stewardship |
Year 6 | Witnesses | Healing | Common Good |
Age Related Expectations
Age related expectations 5-7 year olds
Age related expectations 7-9 year olds
Age related expectations 9-11 year olds