Collective Worship/Prayer and Liturgy
Prayer and Liturgy
At St Mary's, prayer and liturgy are central to the Catholic life of the school in order to help our children experience the presence of God and develop a mature spiritual life. Our Prayer and Liturgy Policy outlines our approach to Prayer and Liturgy across school. We are currently working to implement the requirements of the Prayer and Liturgy Directory (To love you more dearly).
Mr Jones is the Prayer and Liturgy lead at school, supported by Mrs Barrett, Mrs Gorman and the children in our Prayer and Liturgy Team.
Prayer and Liturgy Directory
Prayer and Liturgy Policy
Overview of Prayer and Liturgy
Progression of Formal Prayer and Liturgy
Prayer and Liturgy Handbook
Classroom Formal Prayer Resource
- Formal Prayers Reception-Year 6
- Formal Prayers Year 1 - Year 6
- Formal Prayers Year 3 - Year 6
- Formal Prayers Year 5 - Year 6
- Mass Responses